Monday, 19 June 2017

3 Lower Body Workouts At Home That Offer Greatest Benefits

Due to the busy life that most people lead nowadays, women cannot find time to go and exercise in the gym. This is the reason many of them want to know about at home workouts that can help them achieve their fitness goals.
 The following are 3 simple lower body workouts at home that will help you get the most benefits.

  •  Traverse Lunges:

 This workout targets the core, glutes, hamstrings and the quads. Begin the workout by standing with the feet at hip-width apart, and the hands on the hips. Shift the weight on the left leg then step the tight leg straight behind. Directly lower downwards until the front until the back knees get to 90 degrees. Hold on this position. Engage the left thigh then push off the right leg as you come back to the standing, neutral position. Repeat this process on the other side, as you alternate the sides for one minute.

  •  Squats:

 This workout targets hamstrings, quads and glutes. Begin with feet under the hips and the legs at no wider position than the shoulders. The body weight should be borne by the heels but the arms should be placed in relaxed position by the sides. Keep the chest upright and the shoulder blades in pulled back position. Bend the knees then sink down while ensuring the knees do not extend past the toes.
 The arms should be placed such that they extend straight on your front. Just imagine that you are touching the butt to the chair. In this position, drive through the legs then squeeze back glutes till you and backup, such that you let the arms come to the idea again. Repeat this for about one minute.

  •  Side Lunges:

 This is definitely one of the best lower bodyworkout at home without weights. It targets the core, glutes, the hamstrings and the quads. Do it this way. Stand with the feet at hip-width apart, with the hands on the hips. Take wide step to your left while letting the left foot diagonally point away from your position while at the same time keeping planted the right foot.
 Keeping weight on the heels with chest upwards lifted, turn the left foot and the knee slightly out while sinking down to the lunge. Ensure knees do not come to the toes. Push the left leg while engaging the inner glutes and thighs then bring back the leg to the neutral beginning position. Repeat this on your other side.